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Our story

Coming Soon…Jesus is more than just a wonderful clothing line…we are a movement in the body of Christ. We are the voice of revival for the now generation; our purpose is to stimulate evangelism across the Globe!!! We believe that the Bible is as powerful as it has ever been. Our calling is to unite the body of Christ as we lead the lost to Jesus, so that when the lost come to know the truth of Jesus Christ, they can experience the fullness of the Gospel.

We do this through creating powerful messages or statements on our apparel, mugs, and other accessories. Our desire is to raise money for families, businesses and churches that are facing hard times. We support artists trying to raise money, as well as believers raising money for mission trips. We are here to show the world that Jesus still saves and the Bible is still true.

Child of God ministries wants to empower Christians and give them the ability to live by serving God and to be free to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and have their destiny fueled by the preaching of Jesus Christ.

When people see “Coming Soon…” on the front of the shirts, they often ask the wearer what is coming soon. You simply need to turn around and show the name of Jesus. It will either start a conversation with other believers or plant a seed in those that are questioning their walk with God. 

Child of God Ministries is here to serve in any way we can. Partner with us by getting your Coming Soon Jesus Shirt Today as we go forth and free the people of God so they may preach the Gospel and live out loud.

Our Founder

Duke White Jr. is the founder of  Child of God Ministries. After seeing the struggles of so many Christian families, ministries, and businesses, the Lord put a fire in Duke to inspire his brothers and sisters in Christ with a simple unifying message that would create an urgency for believers to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God first gave Duke the vision of “Coming Soon…Jesus” when he was just 22 years old while experiencing God gave him the vision of the Coming Soon Jesus shirts in 2004 where the first 24 shirts were created and sold. A few months later over 8,000 shirts were being sold and a few years later over 120,000 shirts were being worn by evangelist all over America.  The success of Coming Soon Jesus opened doors for Duke to support men and woman of God  churches and businesses  to accomplish what God has called them to do.

Duke is  not only the Ceo and Founder of Coming Soon Jesus he is also a Radio Host and Sponsor of WVYC TheVoyceRadio.com and also has his own Radio Show on WJLZ The Current Fm.  Duke is known all over  America as a Child of God and man who loves to serve others who lives to give.  Mr. White is also the owner of and Founder of News Media 1 and a father of 3 children. Duke is also a Pastor  and works very closely with many ministries all across America. His heart is to truly be an example of the amazing power of the word and Love of God even in a dark generation. 

Duke White Jr. desires every believer in Christ to break out of any financial and spiritual bondage that blocks the people of God from maximizing the beautiful life God has given to his people.


Salvation is God’s gift to mankind based on His love for us. Anyone who wants it may have this free gift by following Gods plan.

First acknowledge your need for salvation.

Romans 3:23 tells us that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. In other words, we must recognize our sinfulness.

Be aware that sin carries a penalty. Romans 6:23 declares that the wages (payment) of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. God has a plan for your life. In order to enter into that plan we must follow His provision for us.

John 1:9 states that “If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.“

He further tells us in Romans 10:9 that “if thou shalt confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God has raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” We must believe, and confess our sins before Him.

Finally, God wants you to know that it is His delight to save all who come to Him. In John 3:16 it is recorded that…”God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH in Him should not perish (suffer the penalty for sin), but have everlasting life.“

Repent and believe the Gospel, Jesus died for your sins. Now receive new life from Him! Just bow your head in reverence for Him, and talk to Him from your heart. He is waiting to embrace you in His love.
