
how to turn your
message into impact
You have a message that needs to be heard.

What if I told you that, if you apply a few simple strategies, that message will reach more people, more effectively?

People consume content in a multitude of ways. The tragedy is that Christian leaders have defaulted to either a preached message or a book. Its time to move past this simplistic modelits time to innovate the way we package our message and bring it to market.

The principles and strategies in this book have helped me to personally generate millions in revenue, build massive niche databases, make hundreds of thousands off of an idea that wasnt yet an actual product, and so much more!

This is not an illusion. These concepts and skills are real! Lets open our minds, and jump in to what God has next for us.

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how to turn your
message into impact
You have a message that needs to be heard.

What if I told you that, if you apply a few simple strategies, that message will reach more people, more effectively?

People consume content in a multitude of ways. The tragedy is that Christian leaders have defaulted to either a preached message or a book. Its time to move past this simplistic modelits time to innovate the way we package our message and bring it to market.

The principles and strategies in this book have helped me to personally generate millions in revenue, build massive niche databases, make hundreds of thousands off of an idea that wasnt yet an actual product, and so much more!

This is not an illusion. These concepts and skills are real! Lets open our minds, and jump in to what God has next for us.
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